We support & transform lives for all abilities with positive change and Ndis-funded programs.
Our Mission
We provide a supportive, Inclusive, diverse environment for children and adults with disabilities and special needs and disadvantaged communities, creating mental health and wellness programs through exercise involvement.
Our Vision
Celebrating Abilities supports our participants with mental health wellness programs, exercise, and rehabilitation programs, improving functional fitness, core strength, mindfulness, meditation, motor skills, proprioception, balance mobility – flexibility.
Our team has over 40 years experience.
0M Karma Kindness Causes
0M Volunteering Brings JOY
0M All Abilities & All Ages
0M Transforming Lives
All Abilities & all Ages Welcome
Did you know? …….Just under one in five people (4.2 million or 18.5% of Australians) reported having a disability in 2012. A further 4.7 million people (21%) had a long-term health condition that did not restrict their everyday activities.
Healty Food
For Everyone
Some of our clients who live in the housing commission have to choose between paying rent or buying food. We receive goods from Good 360 and other donations to ensure no one goes hungry.
Respite Care
to help families & Carers
Giving families & carers a break from care responsibilities. We all need a time out, so we offer Health wellness camps for Ndis participants. Click on our health camps to see joyful photos of our respite care.
We are passionate
Abour our Ndis programs
Improving your core strength, motor skills, proprioception, balance, cognitive development, nuerological conditions, mobility, flexibility, weight loss or muscle gain, circus skills, functional fitness, and mental health.
What We Do
We change the conversation from disability to Celebrating Abilities. We believe that this is achievable for everyone, no matter their capability. Our program transforms lives and has so many benefits. Increasing confidence through physical activity and social interaction.
We are improving motor skills, proprioception, balance co-ordination, strength, coordination, cognitive development, neurological conditions & fun. Our programs are available to all ages and all abilities, from children to adults and the elderly. We are here to be of service, making a long-lasting difference in the lives of our participants.
You can do 55min sessions in the studio weekly or our health and wellness camps (respite care), all funded by NDIS. Our NDIS Funded Programs are for all ages and all abilities with successful results. We work with you, focusing on goals and needs in a supportive, Inclusive, Diverse, Unique Studio Environment.