Ndis funded programs for all abilities with Cerebral Palsy, You will improve your health, fitness and mobility! Our exercise programs are tailored to suit your individual needs. We work with you to provide support, in our unique studio in Fitzroy, all designed to meet your goals and needs. On offer is Motivation, Mind Set training, goal-directed, restorative aerial yoga, dance classes, gym light weights targeting, strengthening your body inside and out, Circus, Bungee, Yoga, Pilates, maintain mobility range of motion, task-specific skill development, weight management, healthy lifestyle education,
This service can be funded by your NDIS package, under the following categories:
Improved Capacity Building and Improved Health and wellbeing and or core works, recreational activities, fitness health. we currently work with -Plan and self-managed funds. – Our programs are for all abilities, kids & adults improving their health, functional fitness, strength, mobility with our unique fitness programs.
This is what Our customers say
“‘I’ve been attending Celebraitng abilties unqiue studio in fitzroy for 2 years now, focusing on my goals of staying mobile and independent.
When I heard about the celerbating Abilities activities on offer I jumped at the opportunity to be a part of it.
I now find my day to day activities like washing clothes, packing the diswasher, cleaning the house much easier. It’s given me the motivation and indepandnce and confidence to try new things – melissa”
for more testimonials go to our client succes stories areas on the website and read Lexies story. (photos above)